Dec 9, 2015

Posted by in Air, Astrology, Crystals, Eastern Practices, Elemental Magick, Feng Shui | 0 Comments


Feng Shui Ba Gua. (Photo credit:

Feng Shui Ba Gua. (Photo credit:

The beautiful thing about studying the elements is that every culture recognizes the spiritual energy and power in each element. From Western magick to the Far East philosophies, the elements play a major role. Even in China’s practice of Feng Shui, the elements are respectfully considered when organizing your house to promote maximum chi flow.


Unlike the West, China puts money into researching natural magic and personal energy flow. Many scientists and doctors in China have found flawless relation between chi and bioelectricity, and how our organs act as batteries for this energy. Their practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine is no longer something only the Chinese believe, we have quantifiable evidence that chi exists and we, as people, can manipulate it and strengthen ourselves through channeling it. It’s satisfying to me to know that there’s evidence that no one can disregard no matter how stubborn they choose to be.

How does this relate to our topic of the Air element? In manipulating chi, you must also understand that not only do each of our organs relate to the five elements (fire, wood, water, earth and metal in Chinese element studies), but so do the quadrants of our homes. Feng Shui means “the way of wind and water,” which to the Chinese, wind and water are the origins of life and our homes should reflect this. In Feng Shui, we map out our homes and apply it to a compass called a bagua that tells us which rooms promote the best chi flow for each element. To model your home in Feng Shui fashion, you follow the bagua and use colors, organization and rearranging to allow the maximum flow of chi throughout your house to create a harmonious path for energy.

Air is important to Feng Shui because it is the Air that flows through your house and helps the chi expand and cycle. Clean air combined with good energy is the basis for life. As long as we don’t have strong, frenetic winds scattering chi throughout our house, the Air flow boosts our energy, which boosts our mood and ultimately makes us happier and healthier.

Even the word chi is symbolically related to “the dragon’s celestial breath,” showing just how vital the element of Air is to the Chinese. Not only do they work on developing and strengthening their chi internally, but they work to keep their chi fresh, cycling freely and arrange their homes for chi to provide maximum health and mental benefits.

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