Apr 23, 2016

Posted by in Divination, Magick, Occult Studies, Rituals, Tarot | 0 Comments

A Traditional Approach to Tarot II

Magic circle. (Photo credit: wikipedia)

Magic circle. (Photo credit: wikipedia)

Today, in response to my friend’s email, I will be sharing a traditional tarot ceremony to bind your deck to your energy for natural and intuitive readings. Most people just grab a companion book and learn the cards as they go, while others just collect decks (which is a pet peeve of mine). Only a few traditionalists still have a deck picked out for them and perform ceremonies to unite their energy with their cards. I feel that these people pull great readings out of their sessions and I am happy to share a ritual that will help people to get the most use out of their decks.

I will break the ceremony down into simple steps so that you can use it as a reference guide at any time.

  1. Choose a box or special piece of fabric that you will be storing your deck in. Traditionally, silk fabric is used for wrapping your cards.
  2. Perform the ceremony during the moon’s waxing phase. Choose a time when you feel calm and spiritually awake and make sure the ceremony takes place in the area where you will be most often performing your readings.
  3. Begin by lighting incense in the east, burning a candle to the south, filling a cup of water set in the west and placing a stone or pentacle in the north.
  4. Stand in the center of the area with your deck close to you in their box or fabric and cast your circle. You want to make sure that you start and finish with the incense in the east.
  5. Pick up your deck and recite: “Oh Goddess of the Flame and the Well, God of the Wind and Sea, of Star and Stone, God and Goddess of all life, I ask for your blessing on these cards. May they offer guidance and wisdom, guidance and insight. May my work with these cards be blessed by the power of the earth beneath me, the sea around me and the sky above me.”
  6. Face the east and hold the deck over the smoke of the burning incense, focusing your intent on the cards and recite: “May my work with these cards foster clarity, insight and understanding. May each of these cards be blessed by the powers of the element of air.”
  7. Turn clockwise to the south and hold the cards over the heat of the lit candle, still focusing on the cards, and recite: “May my work with these cards bring encouragement, enthusiasm, energy and direction. May each of these cards be blessed by the powers of the element of fire.”
  8. Continue clockwise to the west and dip your fingers in the cup to moisten your deck. Continue to focus on your cards and recite: “May my work with these cards foster healing, love and friendship. May each of these cards be blessed by the powers of the element of water.”
  9. Finally, at the north, lay the deck atop the stone or pentacle and allow the cards to sit there for a few moments. With your intent focused, recite: “In the darkness is the still word heard, and the night sky illumines the soul with knowledge. May my work with these cards foster my intuition, bringing depth of understanding and practical value to my readings. May each of these cards be blessed by the powers of the element of earth.”
  10. Sit at the center of your circle and return the cards to their box or wrap them once again. Place the cards in your lap and meditate. Feel the blessings from your ceremony. When you are ready, stand and recite: “O God and Goddess, I give thanks for your blessings. This ceremony is ended in the Apparent World. May its inspiration continue within my being.” You are now ready to unwind your circle, beginning anti-clockwise and finishing where you began.

I hope this ceremony helps bring out all the positive and blessed energy from your readings and that you are able to better help yourself and others when you use your deck.


  1. Spell Hub. Bringing the occult to life. - […] Posted by Ley Walker in Divination, Magick, Occult Studies, Rituals, Tarot | 0 Comments […]
  2. Spell Hub. Bringing the occult to life. - […] Posted by Ley Walker | 0 Comments […]

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